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Cake Cutting Tips



  • Large cutting board

  • Large sharp knife

  • Paper towel to wipe knife between cut

  • Pitcher of hot water to dip knife (optional)

1. Make sure your cake is at room temperature.

2. Remove all cake decorations, flowers, dowels, etc from the cake and set off to the side. If you have a multi-tiered cake, start by removing the top tier and cut it first using the following steps.

3. Use a large knife to mark a grid/guideline across the cake top so you know where to cut.

4. Lay your cutting board directly next to the cake. Cut downwards along the length of the cake and push the chunk of cake onto the cutting board.

5. Cut the first chunk into narrow slices or smaller pieces as desired on the cutting board and serve onto small cake plates.

6. Dip your knife into hot water (optional) and wipe the knife clean with a paper towel between slices.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for the rest of the cake tier. Continue cutting for the other tiers if applicable.

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